JP Resources
Click on the icons above to check out these additional JP resources.- ‘Everything Written…in the Psalms About Me’ (Luke 24:44)
- ‘Look at…all the trees’: Trees in the New Testament Gospels
- “And” or “But”—So What?
- “And” or “In order to” Remarry
- “Binding” and “Loosing” in the Kingdom of Heaven
- “Do Not Resist Evil”: Jesus’ View of Pacifism
- “Give unto Caesar”: Jesus, the Zealots and the Imago Dei
- “He Shall Be Called a Nazarene”
- “It Is Said to the Elders”: On the Interpretation of the So-called Antitheses in the Sermon on the Mount
- “Jehovah”: A Christian Misunderstanding
- “Let Down Your Nets”
- “Prophet” as a Messianic Title
- “Prophets and Kings”: The Evangelist Luke’s Curious Doublet
- “Son of Man”: Jesus’ Most Important Title
- “They Didn’t Dare” (Matt 22:46; Mark 12:34; Luke 20:40): A Window on the Literary and Redactional Methods of the Synoptic Gospel Writers
- “Treasure in Heaven”: Examining an Ancient Idiom for Charity
- “Verily” or “Amen”—What Did Jesus Say?
- “Four Types of Hearers” complex
- “Recovering the ‘Inspired Text’?”—A Response to Michael Brown
- “Shake the Dust from Your Feet”: What Did the Apostles’ Action Signify?
- “They Know Not What They Do”: The History of a Dominical Saying
- (Why) Did Jews Hate Tax Collectors–Or Did They? The Evolution of a Modern Stereotype in Biblical Studies
ScirbalScribal Errors- Mashiach Ben-Yoseph (a poem)
- Sanctus and Gloria
- 666: One Number or Three?
- A Non Sequitur in the Argument for the Canonical Approach to Scripture
- A Brief Critique of George Eldon Ladd’s Views on the Kingdom of God
- A Call for New Conversation
- A Different Way to Reckon a Day
- A Doer of His Father’s Will
- A Farewell to the Emmaus Road
- A Friend of Tax Collectors
- A Goy’s Guide to Ritual Purity
- A Life on the Kinneret
- A Measure of Humility
- A New Approach to the Synoptic Gospels
- A New Perspectivist Response to Simon Gathercole’s Christianity Today Article
- A New Solution to the Synoptic Problem
- A New Two-source Solution to the Synoptic Problem
- A Passion Play in an Unusual Vein
- A Priest of the Division of Abijah
- A Response to Kilty and Elliott on the Talpiot Tomb
- A Short Response to Steven Notley’s “Let the One Who Has Ears to Hear”
- A Statistical Approach to the Synoptic Problem: Part 1—Triple Tradition
- A Statistical Approach to the Synoptic Problem: Part 2—Double Tradition
- A Statistical Approach to the Synoptic Problem: Part 3—Single Tradition
- A Statistical Approach to the Synoptic Problem: Part 4—Non-Linear Hypotheses
- A Synoptic Approach to ‘Lord of the Sabbath’
- A Theology of Jewish-Christian Relations
- A Time To Fast?
- Abraham’s Temptation, Forerunner of Jesus’ Temptation
- Ample (a poem)
- An Almost Unknown Hanina ben Dosa Story and Jesus: Exemplars of First-century Galilean Hasidic Judaism
- An Interview with Dwight A. Pryor
- An Introduction to Synoptic Studies
- Another Look at the “Cleansing of the Temple” Story
- Anti-Jewish Tendencies in the Synoptic Gospels
- Are Christians Supposed to Tithe?
- Are There Absolutes for the Christian?
- Article Series: Meturgeman
- Artwork and Illustrations
- At the Feet of a Sage
- Audio JP: “Shake the Dust from Your Feet”: What Did the Apostles’ Action Signify?
- Audio JP: Gergesa, Gerasa, or Gadara? Where Did Jesus’ Miracle Occur?
- Audio JP: Like Lightning from Heaven (Luke 10:18): Jesus’ Apocalyptic Vision of the Fall of Satan
- Audio JP: Sabbath Breakers
- Beating the (Thorny) Bushes
- Beyond an Inheritance
- Blessed Be the “Name”!
- Blessed Be the Faithful Judge!
- Book Review: Brad Young’s The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation
- Book Review: David Flusser’s The Spiritual History of the Dead Sea Sect
- Book Review: James Tabor’s The Jesus Dynasty
- Book Review: Michael Hilton and Gordian Marshall’s The Gospels and Rabbinic Judaism
- By the Finger of God
- Call No Man “Father”
- Can Gentiles Be Saved?
- Can you explain ritual purity?
- Casting Down Modern Imaginations
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part Five (Parallelism)
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part Four (Parallelism)
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part One (Luke 10:23-24)
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part Six (Parallelism)
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part Three (Impersonal “They”)
- Cataloging the Gospels’ Hebraisms: Part Two (Luke 9:51-56)
- Character Profile: …To Bury Caiaphas, Not to Praise Him
- Character Profile: A New Portrait of Salome
- Character Profile: Beelzebul
- Character Profile: Jacob ben Aaron—A Samaritan High Priest
- Character Profile: Mary Magdalene
- Character Profile: Who Was John Mark?
- Character Profiles: Gamaliel and Nicodemus
- Chickens and the Cultural Context of the Gospels
- Covered in the Dust of Your Rabbi: An Urban Legend?
- Deliver Us From Evil
- Demands of Discipleship
- Design and Maintenance of First-century Ritual Immersion Baths
- Did Jesus Call God “Abba”?
- Did Jesus Save the Life of an Adulteress?
- Did the Early Scribes Understand John 9:3 Correctly?
- Discovering Longer Gospel Stories
- Discovering the Hebrew Undertext of the Synoptic Gospels
- Discovery of the Caiaphas Family Tomb
- Divinity Among the Thorns (a poem)
- Divorce and Remarriage in Historical Perspective
- Does God Play Scrabble?
- Edmund Wilson on David Flusser
- Elijah Prays About Rain
- Emulating the Ways of Sodom
- Enemies of the Harvest
- Essenic Piety and the Epistle of James
- Esteeming the Jewish People
- Evidence for Hebrew Roots of Matthew 1:21
- Evidence of an Editor’s Hand in Two Instances of Mark’s Account of Jesus’ Last Week?
- Evidence of Pro-Roman Leanings in the Gospel of Matthew
- Excerpt from Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith
- Excerpts from a Eulogy
- Failures of the Aramaic Solution: Aramaic’s Inability to Explain Jesus’ Halachic Questions on the Sabbath (Luke 14:5; Matt. 12:11-12a)
- Farms, Shepherds, and the Cycle of Life
- First-century Discipleship
- First-century Jewish Use of Scripture: Evidence from the Life of Jesus
- Fish and the Sea of Galilee
- Fish, Storms and a Boat
- Fishers and Hunters: A Fishy Reading of Jeremiah 16:16
- Foreword to Robert Lindsey’s A Hebrew Translation of the Gospel of Mark
- From Allegro to Zeitlin
- From Ezekiel 17:24 and 21:3 to Luke 23:31: A Survey of the Connecting Jewish Tradition
- From Luke to Mark to Matthew: A Discussion of the Sources of Markan “Pick-ups” and the Use of a Basic Non-canonical Source by All the Synoptists
- From Melchizedek to Jesus: The Higher Eternal Priest in Jewish Second Temple Literature
- From the Galilee to Jerusalem: Luke as a Source for the Routes of Jewish Pilgrimage
- Gennesaret According to Josephus
- Gentiles Demand All These Things
- Gergesa, Gerasa, or Gadara? Where Did Jesus’ Miracle Occur?
- Gergesa: Site of the Demoniac’s Healing
- God’s Mercy and Our Disobedience
- Gospel Origins: From a Hebrew Story to the Canonical Gospels
- Gospel Postcard: Kefar Naḥum (Capernaum), the Village of Nahum
- Gospel Postcard: Magdala
- Gospel Postcard: The Garden of Gethsemane
- Gospel Postcard: The Sea of Galilee’s Beauty
- Grace Compared
- Halakha in the Gospels
- Hananiah Notos: The Never-ending Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Hannah on an Ancient Hilltop: A Tale for the New Year
- Has a Gospel in Hebrew Been Found?
- Has the Lost City of Bethsaida Finally Been Found?
- He Could No Longer Openly Enter a Town: A Synoptic Study in Light of an Early Luke
- Hebraisms in the New Testament
- Hebrew Idioms in the Gospels
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 1: Jesus’ Hebrew Name (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 2: Jesus’ Hebrew Name (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 3: Jesus’ Hebrew Name (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 4: Jesus’ Hebrew Name (Part 4)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 5: Abba (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 6: Abba (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 7: Abba (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 8: Abba (Part 4)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 9: Hallelujah (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 10: Hallelujah (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 11: Hallelujah (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 12: menorah (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 13: menorah (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 14: menorah (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 15: Shalom (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 16: Shalom (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 17: vav (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 18: vav (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 19: Israel (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 20: Israel (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 21: Israel (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 22: Israel (Part 4)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 23: Messiah (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 24: Messiah (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 25: ta·NAK (Part 1)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 26: ta·NAK (Part 2)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 27: ta·NAK (Part 3)
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 28: Reading with Grace
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 29: Grace Compared
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 30: Lord
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 31: Righteousness
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 32: Justice
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 33: Gehenna
- Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 34: Nazirite
- Hebrew Nuggets: Transliteration System
- Hebrew or Aramaic? Some Evidence from Inscriptions
- Hendiadys in the Synoptic Gospels
- Herod’s Tomb, Ehud Netzer and a Case of Mistaken Identity
- Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl Parables
- Historical Howlers, Funny and Otherwise: Dan Brown’s Backward Understanding of Gnosticism
- Holy Land Postcard: Hula Valley Nature Reserve
- Hospitality: Heritage of the Church
- How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?
- If King David were alive today, could he communicate with Israel’s president?
- If Your Eye Be Single
- Inspiration, History and Bible Translation
- Insulting God’s High Priest
- Introduction to A Hebrew Translation of the Gospel of Mark
- Introduction to The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction
- Is Faith Contrary to Empirical Support?
- Is the Sage Worth His Salt?
- Janet Frankovic
- Jehovah and PIPI
- Jesus and Elijah in Luke 4:16-30
- Jesus and the Enigmatic “Green Tree”
- Jesus and the Essene Passover
- Jesus and the Essenes
- Jesus and the Essenes (Part 2)
- Jesus and the Hasidim
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: Blessing
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: Did Jesus Wear Phylacteries?
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: The Hem of His Garment
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: The Unutterable Name of God
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: Tithing
- Jesus and the Oral Torah: Written and Oral Torah
- Jesus and the Son of Man
- Jesus at the Center
- Jesus in Judea
- Jesus the Apostle
- Jesus the Galilean, a Stranger in Judea?
- Jesus, Rabbi And Lord
- Jesus’ Attitude to Poverty
- Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem
- Jesus’ Use of “Amen”: Introduction or Response?
- Jesus’ Yoke and Burden
- Jesus’ “Harvest” Saying
- Jesus’ Attitude Toward the Samaritans
- Jesus’ Command to “Hate”
- Jesus’ Devout Jewish Parents and Their Child Prodigy
- Jesus’ Education
- Jesus’ Jewish Command to Love
- Jesus’ Place in First-century Judaism and His Influence on Christian Doctrine
- Jesus’ Reference to Folklore and Historical Events
- Jesus’ Sabbath Dispute with Pharisees in a Cornfield
- Jesus’ Temptation and Its Jewish Background
- Jesus’ Twin Parables
- Jesus’ Words, Evangelist’s Contribution and Implicit Biblical Reference: The Case of Matthew 21:43-44
- Jewish Burial Customs in the First Century
- Jewish Laws of Purity in Jesus’ Day
- John the Nazirite
- John’s Targumic Allusions
- John’s Baptism of Repentance
- Joseph’s Silence
- Keys of the Kingdom: Allusion to Divinity?
- King Parables
- Lauren Asperschlager
- Leah’s Tender Eyes
- Learning Is for Life
- Let Him Who Is Without Sin…
- Let the One Who Has Ears to Hear, “Hear!”
- Like Lightning from Heaven (Luke 10:18): Jesus’ Apocalyptic Vision of the Fall of Satan
- Lilies of the Field
- Links with Tabernacles and Hanukkah in the Gospel Accounts of Palm Sunday
- Literary Languages in the Time of Jesus
- LOY Excursus: Catalog of Markan Stereotypes and Possible Markan Pick-ups
- LOY Excursus: Greek Transliterations of Hebrew, Aramaic and Hebrew/Aramaic Words in the Synoptic Gospels
- Luke 9:51-56—A Hebrew Fragment
- Mark 7:19: Did Jesus Make “Unclean” Food “Clean”?
- Mary and Martha: The Rest of the Story
- Master and Disciple
- Matthew 16:18: The Petros-petra Wordplay—Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew?
- Matthew 2:1-23: A Nazorean Shall Be Called
- Matthew 5:17: “Destroy” the Law
- Matthew 5:19: The Importance of “Light” Commandments
- Matthew’s Aramaic Glue
- Measure For Measure
- Measuring the Disparity Between Matthew, Mark and Luke
- Medieval Jargon on First-century Lips
- Messiah (a poem)
- Midrash in the New Testament
- Milestones in the Life of Robert Lisle Lindsey
- More on the Absence of an Aramaic Bible at Qumran: A Response to Jack Poirier’s “The Qumran Targum of Job as a Window into Second Temple Judaism: A Response to Randall Buth”
- My Search for the Synoptic Problem’s Solution (1959-1969)
- Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christianity
- Naming John the Baptist
- New Testament Canon
- Notes on the New Testament as a Witness for Broader Jewish Patterns in Jesus’ Times
- Noun Chains in the Gospels
- On “Blood” in the Apostolic Decree (Acts 15:19-20)
- One God and Lord
- One Torah Reader, Not Seven!
- Ossuary Inscriptions from the Caiaphas Tomb
- Ostracon from Qumran Throws Light on First Church
- Over and Under-Familiarity with Matthew 6:11
- Parables and Foundations
- Parables of Ill Repute
- Paraphrastic Gospels
- Perspective on Robert L. Lindsey
- Perspective on the Caiaphas Tomb
- Pieces to the Synoptic Puzzle: Papias and Luke 1:1-4
- Pilgrimage in the Time of Jesus
- Practicing What He Preached
- Prayers for Emergencies
- Preparations for Eating the Passover Lamb
- Pursuing Righteousness
- Rabbinic Literature: A Spiritual Treasure for Christians
- Rabbinic Reflections on Living Sacrifices at Romans 12:1
- Reading the Landscape: Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel
- Reconstructing the Words of Jesus
- Reflecting on David Flusser’s Vision
- Remember Shiloh!
- Repentance: God Inhales
- Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven
- Robert L. Lindsey and His Synoptic Theory
- Robert L. Lindsey’s The Jesus Sources
- Romans 11: The Olive Tree’s Root
- Sabbath Breakers?
- Salted with Fire
- Scholars and Saints: A Critical Collaboration
- Selected Examples of Rewriting in Mark’s Account of Jesus’ Last Week
- Semitic Background to the Nain Story
- Sidebar: “Ears of Corn”?
- Sidebar: A Conjectured Process of Gospel Transmission Outlined by Robert Lindsey
- Sidebar: A Sadducee Who Believed in an Afterlife?
- Sidebar: Helen Twena Discusses the Salome Portrait on JP 55’s Cover
- Sidebar: Synagogue Guest House for First-century Pilgrims
- Sidebar: The Intricacies of Hebrew Gender
- Sidebar: Where Were the Vendors?
- Six Stone Water Jars
- Something Greater Than the Temple
- Spoken Languages in the Time of Jesus
- Stephen’s Speech (Acts 7:1-53) and Early Jewish Scriptural Interpretation
- Stewards of God’s Keys
- Streams of Living Water: The Feast of Tabernacles and the Holy Spirit
- Study the Synoptic Problem
- Sunshine For Everybody
- Synagogue and Sabbath
- Tangled up in Techēlet: Tzitzit (Ritual Tassels) in the Time of Jesus
- Teaching with Authority: The Development of Jesus’ Portrayal as a Teacher within the Synoptic Tradition
- That Small-fry Herod Antipas, or When a Fox Is Not a Fox
- The “Desert” of Bethsaida
- The “How Much More” Rabbinic Principle of Interpretation in the Teaching of Jesus
- The “Only Begotten” Son
- The Shema in Early Jewish Teaching
- The Amidah Prayer
- The Apostles and Prophets as the Foundation of the Church (Eph. 2:20)
- The Apostolic Decree and the Noahide Commandments
- The Appearance of Jesus: Hairstyles and Beards in Bible Times
- The Approval of Abraham: Traditions of God’s Acceptance of Abraham in Early Jewish and Christian Sources
- The Bar-Kochva Letters
- The Best Long-term Investment—Making Loans to God
- The Census of Quirinius and Luke 2
- The Central Text in the Original Sin Controversy
- The Centurion and the Synagogue
- The Cross and the Jewish People
- The Cross: A Symbol of Solidarity
- The Decalogue and the New Testament
- The Desert: Waiting for God
- The Didache and its Relevance for Understanding the Gospel of Matthew
- The Divine Name in the Hebrew New Testament
- The Expectation of Sabbatical Redemption within Ancient Judaism and Luke-Acts
- The Fallacy of Sacred Name Bibles
- The Good Samaritan
- The Gospel of John’s Jewish-Christian Source
- The Hebrew Life of Jesus
- The Historical Jesus, a Tanna? Charity and Deeds of Loving-Kindness in the Gospels and Early Rabbinic Thought
- The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew New Testament
- The Interpretive Key to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- The Jesus Who Changes People’s Lives!
- The Jewish Cultural Nature of Galilee in the First Century
- The Kingdom of God: God’s Power Among Believers
- The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like a Seine
- The Library at Qumran
- The Lord’s Prayer 1: Introduction
- The Lord’s Prayer 10: A Hebrew Reconstruction
- The Lord’s Prayer 2: “Our Father Who Art in Heaven”
- The Lord’s Prayer 3: “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
- The Lord’s Prayer 4: “Thy Kingdom Come” (Part 1)
- The Lord’s Prayer 5: “Thy Kingdom Come” (Part 2)
- The Lord’s Prayer 6: “Thy Will Be Done”
- The Lord’s Prayer 7: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
- The Lord’s Prayer 8: “Forgive Us Our Debts”
- The Lord’s Prayer 9: “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
- The Major Importance of the “Minor” Agreements
- The Man Who Would Be King
- The Miraculous Catch: Reflections on the Research of Mendel Nun
- The Most Abused Verse in the Bible?
- The Names of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts
- The Nature of Jesus’ Task
- The New International Jesus
- The New Testament in Modern Hebrew
- The New Testament in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Origin of the Gospels
- The Place of Women in First-century Synagogues
- The Power of Parables
- The Power of Song
- The Priority of Luke: An Exposition of Robert Lindsey’s Solution to the Synoptic Problem
- The Programmatic Opening of Jesus’ Biography as a Reflection of Contemporaneous Jewish Messianic Ideas
- The Queen of Teman
- The Qumran Targum of Job as a Window into Second Temple Judaism: A Response to Randall Buth’s “Where Is the Aramaic Bible at Qumran? Scripture Use in the Land of Israel”
- The Recently Discovered Pool of Siloam
- The Rich Young Ruler Story: Personal Application
- The Right to Reign
- The Role of Women in the Temple
- The Sabbath Was Made for Man
- The Sea of Galilee
- The Search for Bethsaida: Is It Over?
- The Season of Redemption
- The Seven Types of Pharisees and the Fear of God in the Synoptic Gospels
- The Significance of Jesus’ Words “Not One Jot or One Tittle Will Pass from the Law” (Matt. 5:18)
- The Sin Against the Spirit: Matt. 12:31-32; Mark 3:28-29; Luke 12:10
- The Social Jesus: Beyond an Individualist Reading of the Capernaum Synagogue Incident
- The Sons of His Will
- The Statistics behind “The Tomb”
- The Surprise of Finding Anti-Semitism in the Heart of the Early Church Fathers
- The Sweetness of Learning
- The Synagogue the Centurion Built
- The Syndicated Donkey
- The Synoptic Problem Home Page and Other Internet Resources
- The Teaching of Balaam
- The Theological Significance of the Parable in Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament
- The Times of the Gentiles and the Redemption of Jerusalem
- The Torah in the Sermon on the Mount
- The Transparent Agenda
- The Traveling Sage
- The Two Great Principles and Sefer Pitron Torah
- The Value of Rabbinic Literature as an Historical Source
- The Wealth of Herod the Great
- The Western Captivity of the Apostle Paul
- The Writings of Robert L. Lindsey
- Threading a Needle
- Three Keys to Personal Happiness
- To My Teacher, Pastor and Beloved Friend
- Toward an Inerrant View of Scripture
- Toward an Unclouded Vision of His Kingdom
- Treasures in Heaven
- Trees of Life
- Tribute to Shmuel Safrai
- Tutorial 1: Significance of Idioms
- Tutorial 2: Customs
- Two Kinds of Love in the Story of the Paralyzed Man
- Two Neglected Aspects of the Centurion’s Slave Pericope
- Unconditional Love
- Understanding Parables
- Unintentional Anti-Semitism in the Church
- Unlocking the Synoptic Problem: Four Keys for Better Understanding Jesus
- Us and Them: Loving Both
- Video: How To Become A Basic Member
- Views of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research
- Walk after Me!
- Was Jesus a Confirmed Bachelor?
- Was Jesus a Rabbi?
- Were the Pharisees “Legalistic”?
- Were Women Segregated in the Ancient Synagogue?
- What Did Jesus Mean by “Do Not Judge”?
- What is a jot and tittle?
- What Is Measured Out in Romans 12:3?
- What Is the Leaven of the Pharisees?
- What Is the Priest Doing? Common Sense and Culture
- What Kind of Blessing Is That?
- What Was Simon Peter Wearing When He Plunged into the Sea?
- What’s Wrong with Contagious Purity? Debunking the Myth that Jesus Never Became Ritually Impure
- Where Is the Aramaic Bible at Qumran? Scripture Use in the Land of Israel
- Where Little Ones Splash: The Hebrew Roots Movement
- Where Seed and Thistle Grow
- Which Bible Translation?
- Who Is a Jew in the Gospels?
- Who Made the “Omission,” Luke or Mark?
- Who Questioned Jesus?
- Who Were the Essenes?
- Why Do You Call Me ‘Lord’?: On the Origins of Jesus’ Dominical Title
- Why I Am a Member of the Jerusalem School
- Why Rabbinic Literature Is Pertinent to the Study of the Gospels
- Widow’s Son in Nain
- William Lockton, Robert Lindsey’s Forerunner
- With All Due Respect…
- Worship Sessions at the 2006 JP Conference
- Written, Inspired and Profitable
- Yad Hashmona: Don’t Miss It on Your Next Trip to Israel!
- Yeshua’s Testing
- Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance
- Your Money or Your Life
- Zechariah’s Prestigious Task
Comments 3
How would the word “kenosis” in Philippians 2:7 be understood if it were put back in to a Hebrew word? In other words, would the definition mean “self-emptying” as it is interrupted today from the Greek? That sounds too much like a Greek mindset and not a Hebraic worldview. Please help. thank you, Larry
It is difficult to establish a Hebrew equivalent for the verb κενοῦν (kenoun, make of no effect, make empty), which appears in Phil. 2:7. This verb appears only twice in the Septuagint (Jer. 14:2; 15:9) where it is the translation of a Hebrew verb meaning “languish.” In the NT kenoun appears only in the Epistles of Paul (5 times). Apparently, this verb represents Greek Greek, rather than Hebraic Greek.
Franz Delitzsch used the Hebrew word Hiphsheet הפשיט meaning to strip off a garment as opposed to “emptying out”. This actually fits the context very well.