Образованието на Исус

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Човек може да си състави доста точна представа за това какво е правил Исус в детството и юношеството си.

Teaching in Kefar Nahum

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A clash between entrenched demonic powers and one proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.

Return to the Galil

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How a bare statement about Jesus’ return to the Galilee was pressed into the service of the author of Luke’s apologetic goals, the author of Mark’s kerygmatic program, and the author of Matthew’s theological agenda.

Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory

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Holiness and purity play a hidden role in the story commonly known as the Gerasene Demoniac.

Yeshua’s Testing

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The LOY reconstruction and commentary on the story of Jesus’ temptation.

Yeshua’s Immersion

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The words of the heavenly voice that spoke at Jesus’ immersion foreshadowed the trajectory of Jesus’ career.

Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers

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Did Jesus reject his natural family in favor of a spiritual kinship, or did he pay Mary and his brothers the highest possible compliment?

Call of Levi

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In the Call of Levi story we learn about Jesus’ attitude toward sinful persons and about his relationship with the Pharisees.

Return of the Twelve

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When Jesus’ twelve emissaries to Israel returned from their mission, thrilled by their success at exorcising demons, Jesus described to them a vision of the expulsion of Satan from heaven. The vision’s message was double-edged: on the one hand, the downfall of the angelic prince meant that the way was opened for the redemption of Israel; on the other hand, having fallen to earth, Satan was about to unleash his fury against God’s chosen people.

A Farewell to the Emmaus Road

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Despite the Israel Antiquities Authority’s call to action, little has been done to preserve the ancient remains of a Roman road that are still visible in the area where Jesus traveled with two of his disciples on the day of his resurrection.