The consequences of persisting in violent struggle with the Roman Empire would be suffered by the innocent and the guilty alike.
Jesus, His Mother and Brothers: A Test Case for Lindsey’s Hypothesis

How does Lindsey’s solution to the Synoptic Problem measure up when applied to the story of “Jesus, His Mother and Brothers”? Watch this video to find out.
A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing

When a woman in the crowd praised Jesus’ person, he redirected her attention to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is realized through the doing of God’s word.
Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers

Did Jesus reject his natural family in favor of a spiritual kinship, or did he pay Mary and his brothers the highest possible compliment?
Fathers Give Good Gifts Simile

Would you give a hungry child a poisonous arachnid to eat? Probably not, because even sinful human beings are not totally depraved. Would God give you something dangerous and destructive when you ask him for help? Certainly not, because he is the source and foundation of all goodness. In the Fathers Give Good Gifts simile, Jesus concludes his reassuring arguments that God can be trusted to provide for his full-time disciples when they pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Demands of Discipleship

“Anyone who wants to join me but puts family ties or love of self ahead of me cannot possibly be my full-time disciple. Anyone who is not prepared to die cannot possibly be my full-time disciple. Anyone who does not renounce his possessions cannot possibly be my full-time disciple.”
Jesus’ Command to “Hate”

If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. (Lk. 14:26, RSV)
Was Jesus a Confirmed Bachelor?

Jesus still relatively young when he was crucified. His death may have come before he had a chance to marry.