Biblical Geography on YouTube

We at Jerusalem Perspective would like our readers to be aware of an excellent resource for studying biblical geography: the Satellite Bible Atlas video commentary series on YouTube. The videos explore the physical settings of biblical narratives, helping viewers to understand how the lay of the land shaped and informed biblical events. The satellite images and aerial photographs featured in the videos afford a bird’s-eye view of Bible lands with a precision and accuracy no ordinary map can provide.
Feast of the Circumcision (New Year’s Day)

The first of January, celebrated around the world as New Year’s Day, is also the eighth day of Christmas and, as such, the Feast of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. Of course, no one knows on what day of the year Jesus was actually born, but since it has become traditional to celebrate Jesus’ birth on the 25th of December, it follows that the first of January is the day on which Christians celebrate the circumcision and naming of Jesus.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 34: Nazirite

The final lesson in the Hebrew Nuggets series in which we learn the letter ז and the word na·ZIR.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 33: Gehenna

In this lesson we will learn one new letter, the Hebrew “g” sound, via the famous Hebrew word “Gehenna.”
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 32: Justice

In this lesson we will learn two new letters, the Hebrew “p” sound, including its “final” form, and the second of two Hebrew “t” sounds.
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 31: Righteousness

The Hebrew word tse·da·KAH (“righteousness,” “salvation”) will teach us how to pronounce and write the letters צָדִי (tsa·DI) and קוֹף (kof).
Hebrew Nuggets, Lesson 30: Lord

After a hiatus of over twenty years, Hebrew Nuggets returns to Jerusalem Perspective. Learn to read the letters of the Hebrew alphabet with JP’s editor-in-chief, David Bivin, and discover valuable nuggets of information about the Bible Jesus read and the world in which Jesus lived. If you have ever wanted to be able to read words in Hebrew and to learn more about the richness of the biblical tradition, then Hebrew Nuggets is the perfect place to begin.
Character Profile: Cornelius the Centurion

The baptism of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, provoked controversy among the Jewish followers of Jesus. In this video Marc Turnage examines the figure of Cornelius, his role in the Book of Acts, and his place in first-century Jewish society.
The Significance of Jesus’ Words “Not One Jot or One Tittle Will Pass from the Law” (Matt. 5:18)

“Jot” and “tittle” are not everyday words in English. What do they mean and how should Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:18 be understood? Jerusalem Perspective‘s editor-in-chief, David Bivin, tackles these questions on behalf of a subscriber’s request for help.
Character Profile: Paul the Apostle

The Apostle Paul has had an extraordinary influence on the development of Christianity. In this video Marc Turnage examines Paul’s motives and actions before he became the “apostle to the Gentiles.”
Character Profile: Rabban Gamliel the Elder

The ancient Jewish sage Rabban Gamliel is mentioned not only in rabbinic literature, but also twice in the New Testament. Marc Turnage introduces us to this important figure in the history of Judaism and Christianity.
Character Profile: Chief Priests and Sadducees

Why did the chief priests and Sadducees continue to oppose the early believers even after the crucifixion of Jesus? In this video Marc Turnage places the chief priests and Sadducees in their historical context and explains why the preaching of the apostles was unwelcome news to the Temple authorities in Jerusalem.
Character Profile: Pontius Pilate

In this video Marc Turnage reexamines Pilate’s character based on ancient literary sources, including the New Testament, and archaeological finds.
Character Profile: Joseph Caiaphas

The high priest Joseph Caiaphas is known not only from the New Testament Gospels as the high priest who opposed Jesus and his early followers, but also from Josephus the Jewish historian who lived in the first century C.E. In this video Marc Turnage provides an historical sketch of this pivotal character.
Windows into the Bible (3): Ancient Oil Lamps

In this video Marc Turnage demonstrates what ancient oil lamps can teach us about Jewish culture in the Galilee and Judea in the time of Jesus.
Windows into the Bible (2): First-century Coins

In this video Marc Turnage discusses what we can learn about first-century Jewish history by studying ancient coins.
The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus: Lesson 13

In Lesson Thirteen of The Messianic Consciousness of Jesus series, Dr. Robert L. Lindsey examines the story of the sheep and the goats (Matt. 25:31-46).