Whether one has a seat at the eschatolgical banquet depends on one’s participation in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now.
Sign-Seeking Generation

What was “the sign of Jonah”? This LOY segment offers a new and surprising answer.
Character Profile: Mary Magdalene

In place of accurate facts about Mary Magdalene, strange ideas and fabulous speculations have arisen that have diminished the true image of one of the most important women in the New Testament.
An Hebraic Approach to the Resurrection

The complete 2006 lecture is now accessible to JP users. View now!
A Farewell to the Emmaus Road

Despite the Israel Antiquities Authority’s call to action, little has been done to preserve the ancient remains of a Roman road that are still visible in the area where Jesus traveled with two of his disciples on the day of his resurrection.
Choosing the Twelve

One day Yeshua called his disciples together and chose twelve of them to be his emissaries to Israel. Their names were Shimon Petros and Andrai (his brother), Yaakov, Yohanan, Pelipah, Talmai’s son, Matai, Tomah, Yaakov Halfi’s son, zealous Shimon, Yehudah Yaakov’s son, and Yehudah from Keriyot, who was a traitor.
Video Clip: Randall Buth on “A Hebraic Approach to the Resurrection of Jesus”

In this video clip, Randall Buth discusses the Hebrew background to the resurrection narratives in the Synoptic Gospels.
A Different Way to Reckon a Day

Jesus may have been confined to Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb for a period of time no longer than about 26 hours.
Christ’s Folded Napkin (John 20:7): Is it significant that the napkin that had been around Jesus’ head when he was buried was found in the empty tomb folded?

Does the folded “napkin” in Jesus’ tomb mean anything?
Discovery of the Caiaphas Family Tomb

Many archaeological finds in Israel result from the chance uncovering of various ancient remains during the course of construction work. Some of these fortuitous discoveries prove to be of tremendous importance for understanding the history and archaeology of the land of Israel.
Book Review: Robert L. Lindsey’s Jesus, Rabbi and Lord

There are many unique proposals in this book which deserve serious consideration.
How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?

Jesus said he would remain in the grave until the third day after his death. If Jesus was buried on late Friday afternoon, how long would he have had to remain in the tomb to fulfill his prophecy about his resurrection?