Joshua N. Tilton

Joshua N. Tilton

Joshua N. Tilton studied at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, where he earned a B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies (2002). Joshua continued his studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts, where he obtained a Master of Divinity degree in 2005. After seminary Joshua and his wife, Lauren S. Asperschlager, studied in Israel where they both attended the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Both Joshua and Lauren completed their M.A. in Religious Studies in 2007.

Beginning in 2013 Joshua and Lauren began their collaboration with David N. Bivin on the Life of Yeshua (LOY) project. Joshua's JP articles that are not part of the LOY project can viewed here.

Articles by Joshua N. Tilton

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  • LOY Excursus: The Genitive Absolute in the Synoptic Gospels
  • “Banquet in the Kingdom of Heaven” complex
  • Blessedness of the Twelve
  • Calamities in Yerushalayim
  • Call of Levi
  • Carrion Birds
  • “Choose Repentance or Destruction” complex
  • Choosing the Twelve
  • Closed Door
  • Coming From All Directions
  • Yeshua’s Testing
  • Completion
  • “Cost of Entering the Kingdom of Heaven” complex
  • Darnel Among the Wheat Parable
  • Days of the Son of Man
  • “Destruction and Redemption” complex
  • Faith Like a Mustard Seed
  • Fathers Give Good Gifts Simile
  • Fig Tree Parable
  • First and Last
  • Four Soils Interpretation
  • Four Soils Parable
  • “Four Types of Hearers” complex
  • Friend In Need Simile
  • Generations That Repented Long Ago
  • Heaven and Earth Pass Away
  • Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl Parables
  • Houses on Rock and Sand Parable
  • “How to Pray” complex
  • Indiscriminate Catastrophe
  • Innocent Blood
  • Introduction to The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction Addendum: Linguistic Features of the Baraita in b. Kid. 66a
  • Jesus and a Canaanite Woman
  • The Kingdom of Heaven Is Increasing
  • Lesson of Lot’s Wife
  • Like Children Complaining
  • Lord’s Prayer
  • Lost Sheep and Lost Coin Similes
  • LOY Excursus: Sources of the “Strings of Pearls” in Luke’s Gospel
  • LOY Excursus: Catalog of Markan Stereotypes and Possible Markan Pick-ups
  • LOY Excursus: Criteria for Distinguishing Type 1 from Type 2 Double Tradition Pericopae
  • LOY Excursus: Criteria for Identifying Separated Twin Parables and Similes in the Synoptic Gospels
  • LOY Excursus: Greek Transliterations of Hebrew, Aramaic and Hebrew/Aramaic Words in the Synoptic Gospels
  • LOY Excursus: Greek-Hebrew Equivalents in the LOY Reconstructions
  • LOY Excursus: Synoptic Fidelity to the Anthology
  • LOY Excursus: The Dates of the Synoptic Gospels
  • LOY Excursus: The Kingdom of Heaven in the Life of Yeshua
  • “Mission of the Twelve” complex
  • Mustard Seed and Starter Dough Parables
  • Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
  • Narrow Gate
  • Not Everyone Can Be Yeshua’s Disciple
  • Persistent Widow Parable
  • Possessed Man in Girgashite Territory
  • “Power of Faith” complex
  • Praying Like Gentiles
  • Preserving and Destroying
  • Quieting a Storm
  • Return of the Twelve
  • Return to the Galil
  • Sending the Twelve: “The Harvest Is Plentiful” and “A Flock Among Wolves”
  • Sending the Twelve: Apostle and Sender
  • Sending the Twelve: Commissioning
  • Sending the Twelve: Conduct in Town
  • Sending the Twelve: Conduct on the Road
  • Sermon’s End
  • “Showing Proper Humility” complex
  • Sign-Seeking Generation
  • Son of Man’s Coming
  • Spontaneous Growth Parable
  • “Success of the Twelve” complex
  • Teaching in Kefar Nahum
  • Temple’s Destruction Foretold
  • “Torah and the Kingdom of Heaven” complex
  • Tower Builder and King Going to War Similes
  • Tumultuous Times
  • A Voice Crying
  • Widow’s Son in Nain
  • Withered Fig Tree
  • Woes on Three Villages
  • A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing
  • Yerushalayim Besieged
  • “Yeshua and Levi the Toll Collector” complex
  • Yeshua, His Mother and Brothers
  • Yeshua’s Discourse on Worry
  • Yeshua’s Immersion
  • “Yeshua’s Selectivity in Accepting Disciples” complex
  • Yeshua’s Thanksgiving Hymn
  • “Yohanan the Immerser and the Kingdom of Heaven” complex
  • Yohanan the Immerser Demands Repentance
  • Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse
  • Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution
  • Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations
  • Yeshua’s Words about Yohanan the Immerser
  • Yohanan the Immerser’s Question