What are the ethical demands of the parousia?
Jesus’ Words, Evangelist’s Contribution and Implicit Biblical Reference: The Case of Matthew 21:43-44

Evidence from Qumran combined with a likely scriptural allusion suggest a non-ethnic interpretation of Matthew’s editorial additions to the parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants.
Two Neglected Aspects of the Centurion’s Slave Pericope

Ritual impurity and the tensions resulting from Roman imperialism are two aspects of the Centurion’s Slave pericope that often go overlooked.
Coming From All Directions

Whether one has a seat at the eschatolgical banquet depends on one’s participation in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now.
Evidence of Pro-Roman Leanings in the Gospel of Matthew

Hindsight and political expedience shaped the author of Matthew’s view of the Roman Empire.
Teaching in Kefar Nahum

A clash between entrenched demonic powers and one proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.
Son of Man’s Coming

Son of Man’s Coming describes the cessation of the times of the Gentiles and the ultimate vindication of Israel in terms of the apocalyptic image of “one like a son of man.”
Yerushalayim Besieged

In Yerushalayim Besieged Jesus describes and laments the consequences that will befall Israel as a result of its rejection of the Kingdom of Heaven and its ways of peace.
Sign-Seeking Generation

What was “the sign of Jonah”? This LOY segment offers a new and surprising answer.
Teaching with Authority: The Development of Jesus’ Portrayal as a Teacher within the Synoptic Tradition

When Jesus’ teaching is falsely portrayed as entirely new, it obscures what in Jesus’ message is truly unique.
Innocent Blood

How well-read was Jesus? The LOY segment entitled Innocent Blood probes the possibility that Jesus read and quoted a no-longer-extant Second Temple-period Jewish literary work that warned against violent religious extremism.
Sending the Twelve: “The Harvest Is Plentiful” and “A Flock Among Wolves”

Yeshua told his twelve emissaries: “There’s a huge harvest, but a shortage of harvesters. So send word to the owner of the field to hire more workers to help them finish the job.
“Go! But beware, I’m sending you out like a defenseless flock into a pack of ravenous wolves.”
Sending the Twelve: Commissioning

Yeshua summoned his twelve emissaries to Israel and he gave them power to drive out dangerous spirits and to heal every disease and sickness those spirits had caused. Then he sent them on ahead in pairs to every city he intended to visit.
Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven

In order to join Jesus band of full-time disciples the rich man would have to adopt a radically different lifestyle than the one to which he was accustomed.
Is there apostolic authority and authorship of New Testament Scriptures?

It seems to me that the governing thesis of the Jerusalem School, i.e., that the authentic teachings of Jesus must be “reconstructed” from our existing Gospels, contradicts this principle of apostolic authority.
Anti-Jewish Tendencies in the Synoptic Gospels

The scourge of anti-Semitism has not departed from the Church. Though recently there have been encouraging signs, many Christians still harbor prejudice against Jews. The Synoptic Gospels may have helped spawn this prejudice. They may even play a continuing role in perpetuating it.