“Choose Repentance or Destruction” complex


Never mind that taking such a leap of “faith” would lead to all-out war with the mightiest empire the world had yet seen. … On the militant nationalist groups known as the Sicarii and the Zealots, see Menahem Stern, “Zealots,” Encyclopaedia Judaica Year Book 1973 (Jerusalem: Keter, 1973), 135-152; idem, “Sicarii and Zealots,” in The World History of the Jewish People; First Series: Ancient Times; Volume Eight: Society and Religion in the Second Temple Period (ed. … Redemption could come in the form of personal religious experience and the hope of salvation in the world to come, or perhaps redemption would come when all Israel perfected its observance of the Torah in all its intricate details as worked out in the developing oral tradition…. Creation, which had gone wild and threatening since sin and death had poisoned the world, would be made whole once more as all things became reconciled to their Creator. … But when through acts of mercy and compassion and loving one’s enemy Israel tapped into the Holy Spirit’s power, then nothing, not even the mighty legions of Rome, could prevent redemption from transforming the world.

A Theology of Jewish-Christian Relations

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Flusser, who died in Jerusalem in 2000, penned the article as an introduction to Israel, God’s Key to World Redemption, a book written in 1974 by his close friend, the late Elmer A. … — wp:paragraph –>

You have always to ask yourself two questions: What is good or bad in the system in which you trust, and to what degree the object that you treat is good or bad. So it became clear to me that both the teaching of Jesus and of his disciples had the power to change man and the world, but that that change did not occur. … It is not possible to say that the Catholic Church is all bad and Protestant churches are all good. It is also impossible to say that the past was bad and the present is better for still today a famous German New Testament professor can say (as he did) to his students: “If you want to be a good Christian, you must kill the Jew in your heart.”

Gentiles Demand All These Things

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Luke 12:30 ‘nations of the world‘ τὰ ἔθνη τοῦ κόσμου] seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. … In hunger: for example, at a time when a man longs to eat even a bit of coarse barley bread but he cannot find it, the nations of the world (אומות העולם) demand from him white bread and choice meat. And in thirst: For example, at a time when a man longs to drink even a drop of vinegar or a drop of bitters but cannot find them, the nations of the world demand of him the finest wine in any country. … to wear even a tunic of wool or of flax but cannot find them, the nations of the world demand from him silks and the best kallak in any country. 

The Strength of Weakness

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The Pharisee thought: “Thank you, Lord, that I am not as bad as that tax collector.” And likewise, we often think to ourselves, “Thank you, Lord, that I am not as bad as this or that sinner,” or “Thank you Lord that I am not like the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable.”… But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

From Allegro to Zeitlin

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“Gresham’s Law (Economics): the theory that if two kinds of money in circulation have the same denominational value but different intrinsic value, the money with higher intrinsic value (called good) will be hoarded and eventually driven out of circulation by the money with lesser intrinsic value (called bad).” …

Gresham’s Law ought to be applied also to the world of scholarship, and then it may be called the Gresham-Broshi Law. … That could be true, but it is more likely they are simply seeking to make headlines, out to bamboozle a bored world….

The list of the scholars who issued “bad currency” is quite long, and to discuss all of them and their theories would require a bulky, book-length treatise. …

After the Scrolls were brought to the world’s attention in 1949, Zeitlin devoted himself doggedly to the task of proving that they were really forgeries, or, at best, just late Medieval manuscripts.

Deliver Us From Evil

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Translators of the two older English versions rendered the Greek phrase ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ (apo tou ponērou, literally, “from the bad“) as “from evil.” …

Retracing the Greek phrase apo tou ponērou (literally, “from the bad“) back to Hebrew—and comparing the Lord’s Prayer with other ancient Jewish prayers—gives a fuller perspective, and may shed further light. …

When we consult the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible that has come to be known as the Septuagint, we see that the Hebrew רַע (ra’, “bad, evil”) clearly emerges as the leading candidate for the word “evil” that Jesus spoke in the Lord’s Prayer. … Note: hāra’ (“the bad, the evil”) was never once a title of the devil in biblical or post-biblical Hebrew

Treasures in Heaven

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When your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light, but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. … In Matthew 5:14 Jesus declared, “You are the light of the world…” In Matthew 5:13 he declared, “You are the salt of the earth….” … Note that haplous is antithetically paired with the Greek adjective ponaeros, which means “evil, bad, wicked, sick, in poor condition” (see Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature , 86, 690-91). In light of the context and the pairing of ophthalmos…haplous with “bad eye,” I am inclined to say that the Hebrew idioms “good eye” and “bad eye” inspired the Greek phrases “ophthalmos…haplous” and “ophthalmos…ponaeros.” … The idiom “bad eye” appears in m.

Sidebar: Response to Petuchowski’s “The Theological Significance of the Parable in Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament”

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Let me cite an example of a rabbinic parable: “This world resembles a householder who hired workers and inspected them to see who really worked…both for those who really worked and for those who did not really work, all was prepared for a banquet” (Seder Eliahu Rabba, ed. … Even the paradox of this parable resembles the way of Jesus: both the good and the bad workers are invited to the banquet.

Understanding Parables

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The sages of Jesus’ day employed parables to teach scriptural truths such as the dangers of bad associations and the importance of the proper training of children. …

The parables take the abstract world of spiritual values and enable us to visualize them in concrete terms.

What Did Jesus Mean by “Do Not Judge”?

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Other sages agree—”Judging favorably” was said to rank with visiting the sick, devotion in prayer, and educating sons in the scriptures, which are all things that are rewarded in this life, but far more greatly rewarded in the world to come (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 127a). … Jewish culture realizes that in almost every situation, we have the choice to look for a good or bad motivation behind other people’s behavior. … This meant that instead of comparing the love one has for others with the love one has for oneself, one compares one’s neighbors to himself or herself, and loves them after realizing that they are alike both in their good and bad character traits.

Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven

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Matt. 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30 (Huck 189; Aland 254-255; Crook 294-295)For abbreviations and bibliographical references, see “Introduction to ‘The Life of Yeshua: A Suggested Reconstruction.'” Preliminary research on the Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven incident was carried out in 1986-1987. Seventeen Jerusalem School seminar sessions were devoted to this pericope: eight seminars were held February-June 1986, and a further nine seminars between November 1986 and May 1987.

Jerusalem School Seminar participants engaged in discussing the Rich Man Declines the Kingdom of Heaven incident.

Fish, Storms and a Boat

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Thus, in Matthew 13:48, the “bad” fish were the catfish, which because they had no scales, could not be eaten according to the Mosaic dietary laws, and the “good” were all the others in the catch…. — wp:paragraph –>

Gazing at the sky to forecast the weather is an age-old custom the world over, and the ancient fishermen of the Sea of Galilee watched the sky carefully.

Jesus’ Jewish Command to Love

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A saying upon which the whole world hangs, a mighty oath from Mount Sinai. … The definition is not, in fact, an external one, but a challenge for us to recognize that in each person we can find both good and bad—just like ourselves.

Jesus and the Oral Torah: Blessing


(Matt. 5:18)

Many rabbinic statements express similar ideas, such as:

Should all the nations of the world unite to uproot one word of the Torah, they would be unable to do it. … For bad news one says, “Blessed is he who is the faithful judge.”