Waiting Maidens Parable

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In the Waiting Maidens parable Jesus warned his listeners not to behave like the foolish maidens who forgot to bring oil for their torches.

The Historical Jesus, a Tanna? Charity and Deeds of Loving-Kindness in the Gospels and Early Rabbinic Thought

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When nearly precise rabbinic parallels to stories and sayings in the Gospels exist, it may indicate that the Gospels are preserving traditions of the early Jesus movement and, perhaps, the historical Jesus.

Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations

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In Yohanan the Immerser’s Exhortations John the Baptist instructs his audience how they are to behave in order to bear the fruits of repentance.

Darnel Among the Wheat Parable

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Is the Darnel Among the Wheat parable an allegory about eschatological events, or a lesson about God’s character?

A Woman’s Misplaced Blessing

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When a woman in the crowd praised Jesus’ person, he redirected her attention to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is realized through the doing of God’s word.