Temple’s Destruction Foretold

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Overhearing an innocent expression of appreciation for the beauty of the stones from which the Temple was constructed, Jesus uttered the prediction that the time was shortly to come when not one of those stones would remain in its place.

Like Children Complaining

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Were Jesus and John the Baptist like children who played a dance and a dirge? Or was Jesus’ generation one that complained like whining children about the prophets who came to warn it?

Carrion Birds

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Carrion Birds describes the enormity of the destruction Jesus foresaw. Israel would be rendered carrion to be picked over by the Roman legions.

Days of the Son of Man

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In Jesus’ saying, the Son of Man does not function as the agent of destruction, any more than Noah did in the time of the flood or Lot did in the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sign-Seeking Generation

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What was “the sign of Jonah”? This LOY segment offers a new and surprising answer.

Innocent Blood

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How well-read was Jesus? The LOY segment entitled Innocent Blood probes the possibility that Jesus read and quoted a no-longer-extant Second Temple-period Jewish literary work that warned against violent religious extremism.

Generations That Repented Long Ago

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Did Jesus condemn his contemporaries for failing to recognize him as the Messiah or for something more insidious?

Woes on Three Villages

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The Woes on Three Villages express Jesus’ sorrow that Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum had not responded to his warning not to get sucked into the black hole of violent religious nationalism.

Calamities in Yerushalayim

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Did ancient Judaism teach that personal misfortune was proof of sin?

Yeshua’s Testing

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The LOY reconstruction and commentary on the story of Jesus’ temptation.

Yeshua’s Immersion

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The words of the heavenly voice that spoke at Jesus’ immersion foreshadowed the trajectory of Jesus’ career.

Yohanan the Immerser’s Execution

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The story of John the Baptist’s martyrdom was rich with allusions to stories from the Hebrew Scriptures.

Yohanan the Immerser’s Eschatological Discourse

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John the Baptist anticipated the coming of an Elijah-like priestly messiah who would purify the Temple on an eschatological Day of Atonement.