Zvi Greenhut

Zvi Greenhut

Dr. Zvi Greenhut heads the Israel Antiquities Authority's Artifacts Treatment and Conservation Department. Greenhut was the IAA archaeologist who excavated the Caiaphas family tomb in Jerusalem in 1990. Greenhut has participated in the excavations at Tel Dor, Tel Jokneam and Manahath in Jerusalem, and led excavations at Hurvat Hermeshit and tombs near the Akeldama Monastery, and in the Tel Arza neighborhood in Jerusalem. Greenhut prepared for publication the scholarly legacy of the late Pesah Bar-Adon from Bar-Adon’s excavations around the Dead Sea and in the Judean Desert (published in Atiqot 9 [Hebrew series]). He also published notes on excavations in Jerusalem and in Hurvat Hermeshit in the Israeli journal Archaeological News.

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