Following the death of Robert L. Lindsey on May 31, 1995, Jerusalem Perspective magazine published a memorial issue (October-December 1995, No. 49). Included in that issue were eight tributes to Lindsey written by his colleagues and students, including that of Joseph Frankovic, published here.
Reading the Landscape: Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel

Neot Kedumim is dedicated to exploring and demonstrating the ties between the biblical tradition and the nature and agriculture of the land of Israel, as expressed in Jewish and Christian prayers, holidays and symbols. The reserve’s reconstructed biblical landscapes are open to guided and self-guided tours by groups and individuals.
How to Know Jesus? Follow Lindsey!

Without Lindsey’s discovery of the secondary nature of Mark, my own further achievements would be unthinkable.
To My Teacher, Pastor and Beloved Friend

Dr. Lindsey was a creative scholar, who gave of himself to people in need.
Streams of Living Water: The Feast of Tabernacles and the Holy Spirit

This year the festival of Sukkot, or Tabernacles, takes place on October 9—16. JERUSALEM PERSPECTIVE has asked the famous biblical landscape reserve, Neot Kedumim, to provide our readers with some of the reserve’s wonderful insights into this festival, and Neot Kedumim staff member Beth Uval has contributed the following.
Jesus at the Center

Robert Lindsey’s incomparable combination of a pastor’s heart and a scholar’s mind has touched literally thousands of lives, mine included.
The Jesus Who Changes People’s Lives!

The fruit of Dr. Lindsey’s labors endures in those who were blessed to have known him.
Unlocking the Synoptic Problem: Four Keys for Better Understanding Jesus

While translating the Gospel of Mark to modern Hebrew, pastor-scholar, the late Dr. Robert Lindsey was forced to conclusions that ran counter to his seminary training. If correct, his conclusions have the potential for revolutionizing New Testament scholarship. In this article, Lindsey condenses the results of a lifetime of research.
Excerpts from a Eulogy

As with most, if not all, truly great people, Robert Lindsey remained totally unaware of his greatness.
Milestones in the Life of Robert Lisle Lindsey

Robert L. Lindsey was born in Norman, Oklahoma on August 16, 1917. Here are some of the milestones in his life.
Practicing What He Preached

Dr. Lindsey was not content merely to preach about the Kingdom, he practiced it.
The Writings of Robert L. Lindsey

Despite Dr. Robert L. Lindsey’s workload as the full-time pastor of a Baptist congregation in Jerusalem, Israel, Lindsey wrote eleven books and booklets (including his monumental, three-volume A Comparative Greek Concordance of the Synoptic Gospels) and thirty-one articles.
Blessed Be the Faithful Judge!

When I came to Israel in 1963 to begin graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Lindsey was 45 years old. He and his family had moved recently from Tiberias to Jerusalem. It had been in Tiberias, beside the Sea of Galilee, just 18 months before, that he had stumbled upon the key to the synoptic problem’s solution: Luke’s Gospel was written before Mark’s.