I’ve just discovered the Jewish roots of my Christian faith. What should I read to learn more?

We have a number of book suggestions and online resources for you to get started!
How should I cite material taken from your site?
Due to the nature of Internet publishing, content found on Web sites can be updated, corrections and improvements being inserted whenever an author desires. Sometimes, an article’s revision involves no more than a word or two. An online article might be revised, for example, twenty times in one day. Consequently, online articles are usually accompanied by a “Last Revised” date and the “Date Read” (date of access)
How should Jesus’ Hebrew name be transliterated to English?

I was puzzled by David Bivin’s January/February column (“Understanding the Roots of the Bible”) [in Ministries Today (Strang Communications, Lake Mary, Florida)] inasmuch as Bivin makes a case against spelling the name Y’shua with an apostrophe.
What language did Jesus speak?
The following two articles by Shmuel Safrai are the most essential reading on this question: “Spoken Languages in the Time of Jesus” and “Literary Languages in the Time of Jesus.”
Did women go through a mikveh (ritual immersion pool) after childbirth?

Scripture seems to say nothing about a woman washing herself either after childbirth or after her monthly period.
What is your reaction to the Jesus Seminar’s work?

Scholars of the Jesus Seminar are strongly influenced by the theory of dissimilarity.
Does JP agree with Bultmann that the Gospel accounts are not historically accurate?

Both Jewish and Christian members of the School take very seriously the stories in the Gospels.
Has a Hebrew Gospel Been Found?

Although the church fathers testify that Matthew wrote the words of Jesus in Hebrew, not a single fragment of an early Hebrew manuscript containing Jesus’ sayings has survived from the first centuries of the Christian era.
Is there an index of the fifty-six issues of Jerusalem Perspective magazine that were published between 1987 and 1999?
For a full list of the contents of JP printed issues, click here on the “JP Magazine Index” link.
Does Jerusalem Perspective have a statement of faith?
Jerusalem Perspective cannot have a creedal statement since its authors are men and women of different faiths.
Is Jerusalem Perspective magazine currently being published?

Jerusalem Perspective magazine was published from 1987 until 1999.
Which is the most accurate English translation of the Bible?

I have had difficulty deciding which Bible to read. I had been strongly advised to read only the King James Version as being the best translation available.
Does it matter which of the Gospel writers wrote first?

Papias said Matthew wrote first. Someone else said Mark wrote first. Lindsey said Luke wrote first. Does it matter? Why can’t we just accept that the four gospel writers were four independent individual persons used by God to write one complete Gospel?
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