Welcome to Jerusalem Perspective

Jerusalem Perspective is a valuable resource for scholars, pastors, students, teachers, Bible study leaders and everyone who has an inquisitive mind.
I’ve just discovered the Jewish roots of my Christian faith. What should I read to learn more?

We have a number of book suggestions and online resources for you to get started!
How should I cite material taken from your site?
Due to the nature of Internet publishing, content found on Web sites can be updated, corrections and improvements being inserted whenever an author desires. Sometimes, an article’s revision involves no more than a word or two. An online article might be revised, for example, twenty times in one day. Consequently, online articles are usually accompanied by a “Last Revised” date and the “Date Read” (date of access)
Doesn’t the Bible Call Jesus a Rabbi?

From the Gospel accounts, Jesus clearly appears as a typical first-century Jewish sage, and was famous enough to draw students to himself.
What is your reaction to the Jesus Seminar’s work?

Scholars of the Jesus Seminar are strongly influenced by the theory of dissimilarity.
Does JP agree with Bultmann that the Gospel accounts are not historically accurate?

Both Jewish and Christian members of the School take very seriously the stories in the Gospels.
Is there an index of the fifty-six issues of Jerusalem Perspective magazine that were published between 1987 and 1999?
For a full list of the contents of JP printed issues, click here on the “JP Magazine Index” link.
Who is behind Jerusalem Perspective?
There are many ways to answer the question, “Who is behind JP?” but the best answer is probably: “You are!” Member support and charitable contributions Jerusalem Perspective going and make it what it is. Your membership contribution enables JP to maintain its web presence, to produce the exciting new content you value, and to remain free of annoying advertizements that distract readers and dilute the focus of JP’s important mission.
Does Jerusalem Perspective have a statement of faith?
Jerusalem Perspective cannot have a creedal statement since its authors are men and women of different faiths.
Is Jerusalem Perspective magazine currently being published?

Jerusalem Perspective magazine was published from 1987 until 1999.
Mendel Got It Straight!

A reader asks about Mendel Nuns “Bethsaida” versus the PBS series “I Claudius” which espouses Josephus’ description of “Bethsaida”.
Is there apostolic authority and authorship of New Testament Scriptures?

It seems to me that the governing thesis of the Jerusalem School, i.e., that the authentic teachings of Jesus must be “reconstructed” from our existing Gospels, contradicts this principle of apostolic authority.
Why does Jerusalem Perspective use the Greek name “Jesus” instead of “Y’shua” or “Yeshua”?

We use the spelling “Jesus” simply because that’s the way the name is written in English.
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