Ze'ev Safrai

Ze'ev Safrai

Ze‘ev Safrai is Professor emeritus in the Martin Susz Department of Land of Israel Studies at Bar Ilan University in Israel. Safrai has written and edited many books, among them Haggadah of the Sages (English ed.; Jerusalem: Carta, 2009), co-authored with his father, Professor Shmuel Safrai, and The Economy of Roman Palestine: The Missing Century (New York: Routledge, 1994). His latest book, the ground-breaking Parables of the Sages (Jerusalem: Carta, 2011), was co-authored with R. Steven Notley. Safrai is the editor and co-writer of the 60-volume series Perush Mishnat Eretz Israel (New Scientific Commentary to the Mishnah) [in Hebrew]. Safrai also has written numerous articles on Jewish history, culture and the land of Israel in the Second Temple, Mishnaic and Talmudic times.

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  • Gergesa, Gerasa, or Gadara? Where Did Jesus’ Miracle Occur?
  • Halakha in the Gospels