Come study at the feet of Jesus with Jerusalem Perspective (JP). Together we’ll explore the historical, cultural, religious and linguistic contexts of the life and teachings of Jesus to better understand Jesus’ message and his place in first-century Jewish society.

JP Celebrates David Bivin’s 85th Birthday:

July 20, 2024 marked the eighty-fifth anniversary of Jerusalem Perspective’s founder and editor-in-chief David Bivin’s birth. To honor David on this special occasion several JP authors contributed articles to a festschrift entitled Ashrēch Ziqnāti (Blessed Are You, My Old Age): Studies in Honor of David Bivin’s 85th Birthday, which can be purchased in the JP Bookstore. Subscribers to Jerusalem Perspective’s premium content can also read online versions of the articles, which are listed below. Happy birthday, David!

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In addition to exploring Jesus’ ancient contexts, JP promotes a new approach to the Synoptic Gospels. This approach, pioneered by Jewish and Christian scholars in Jerusalem, uses Hebrew as a tool for recovering the earliest forms of Jesus’ sayings.

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The Life of Yeshua (LOY) project utilizes Robert Lindsey’s solution to the Synoptic Problem to reconstruct the conjectured Greek and Hebrew sources behind the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke in order to better understand the stories of Jesus’ life and the meaning of his teachings.

Most Recent Life of Yeshua Posts:

  • Unexpected Thief
    A householder might be surprised by a thief, but those who know the Son of Man is coming need not be caught unawares.
  • Be Ready for the Son of Man
    What are the ethical demands of the parousia?
  • Waiting Maidens Parable
    In the Waiting Maidens parable Jesus warned his listeners not to behave like the foolish maidens who forgot to bring oil for their torches.
  • First and Last
    The first one now will later be last, for the times, they are a-changin’. —Bob Dylan

Originally a print magazine and now an online publication, JP keeps readers informed about the world of Jesus and the Gospels. For complete access to JP’s valuable and engaging content register for a Premium Membership subscription by clicking here.

“From a Jerusalem Point of View”: Jerusalem Perspective